Saturday, March 27, 2010

A final day of adventure!

We have been taking it slow these last couple days with training, but they have still been absolutely wonderful. Yesterday we finally got to sleep in and then went for a nice run outside on the back country roads outside of town. I never thought I'd see a team from the city running on gravel roads in the middle of no where. We are definitely enjoying the fresh air outside and not having to worry about rush hour on our way to the rink. Although we think we may have hit rush hour last night on our way to training, but that only meant about 10 cars lined up at the traffic light and only an extra 2 minutes to get to the rink;) We went to the fire station yesterday to take a picture with the fire trucks and crew. They were so wonderful and even let us turn on the sirens. We had training early this morning so that we could finish up before the hockey tournament started. Although it was an early early morning, we were rewarded with a free pancake and sausage breakfast that the farmers and radio station were hosting at the rink. Phoebe and Kristina were interviewed on the radio this morning at the breakfast. The remainder of today is a day of rest and activities. Some of the team is taking advantage of their last chance to experience all the small town adventures - the shooting range and 4-wheeling!

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